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Topic review


Re: Exit on a specified time

So are you running synchronization in a loop?
Or do you want to abort the synchronization, when it lasts more than those 4 hours?

Re: Exit on a specified time

martin wrote:

Schedule for what? What does your WinSCP script do?

My script syncs the local directory to my server. But where I live we ave metered bandwidth and from 2- 7 AM is free, faster and unlimited.

Re: Exit on a specified time

Schedule for what? What does your WinSCP script do?

Exit on a specified time

First of all, thank you for this amazing software.
I'm using script automation and Task scheduler. Is there a way to exit the script on 7:00 AM for example through script?
Windows scheduler is lacking in this area and I can't find a way to stop it on a specific time daily.

tl;dr Is there a way to schedule WinSCP daily from 2 AM to 7 AM ?

Thank you for the support.