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Re: Add the "line-height" option for the list of files and folders

@kanlukasz: Windows 11 File Explorer (and maybe neither Windows 10) actually does not use the standard Windows list view control anymore. So whatever the File Explorer is capable of is unfortunately of little use to WinSCP/me.
If you want the custom line height, vote for it in the tracker.

Re: Add the "line-height" option for the list of files and folders

martin wrote:

WinSCP uses standard Windows layout

Since Windows 11 "standard Windows layout" have a option "Compact view (enable / disable)" If we disable compact view, there is nice wider line height. So maybe this setting could work in WinSCP?

Sorry for the delay.

martin wrote:

OK, so your Windows File Explorer actually has a higher line than WinSCP?

I don't think so. From what I can see, maybe the font is thinner.

Anyway In Total Commander I can set it freely, for an example, see the attachment.

OK, so your Windows File Explorer actually has a higher line than WinSCP?

Basically yes. That's why I'm not using Windows File Explorer. I'm using Total Commander, which is fully configurable (line-height, icons sizes, letter-spacing,font-size etc.)

If you ask me about the difference between my Windows File Explorer and my WinSCP, I put the screenshot below:
On the left – Windows File Explorer
On the right – WinSCP

Let me know if you need more info

Re: Add the "line-height" option for the list of files and folders

So does this imply that you indeed get the same layout (which you do not like) in Windows File Explorer?

Re: Add the "line-height" option for the list of files and folders

If you have any idea how can i change this layout in Windows, that will be enough for me.
From what I see, this is not a simple

Re: Add the "line-height" option for the list of files and folders

WinSCP uses standard Windows layout. So the listing should be the same as in Windows File Explorer.

We will see, if more people ask for this.

Re: Add the "line-height" option for the list of files and folders

I'm afraid that a larger font size is not a solution.
The problem is the "lack of light" between the lines

Hmmmm, or maybe we can enlarge the icons?
Maybe it would automatically increase the height of the line?

Add the "line-height" option for the list of files and folders

Add the "line-height" option for the list of files and folders
I think the list is too tight right now, especially while eyes are tired or you have eyes disease like astigmatism

Good example from Total Commander: