<Try to describe precise steps that lead to the problem (where do you click, what keys do you press, what do you see, etc.)>
<If relevant, consider attaching a session log file or a screenshot)>
I actually didn't do much, or anything - the window was just sitting there, under other windows, waiting and idling.
When I went to check something on the server, I saw this error message.
Hope you can use my info - keep up the good job guys!
WinSCP 5.16.1
Error message:
Invalid access to memory.
Stack trace:
(0041C951) System::UTF8ToUnicodeString
(00F82F96) C5296_0
(00F84FFE) ____ExceptionHandler
(00F81DB8) __ExceptionHandler
(0008402F) ntdll.dll
(00071931) ntdll.dll.KiUserExceptionDispatcher
(0041C9DE) System::UTF8ToString
(003885BD) System::Classes::TPersistent::AssignTo
(00CBAE2B) TTerminalQueue::GetIsEmpty
(00008B37) TCustomScpExplorerForm::AddQueueItem
(000153B2) TCustomScpExplorerForm::ExecutedFileChanged
(00071579) TEditorManager::CheckFileChange
(0006F566) TEditorManager::Check
(00018C48) TCustomScpExplorerForm::Idle
(0004990B) TNonVisualDataModule::DoIdle
(000498C8) TNonVisualDataModule::SessionIdleTimerTimer
(003A4094) System::Classes::_18201
(000451B9) USER32.dll
(000364D7) USER32.dll
(00035616) USER32.dll
(000353EB) USER32.dll.DispatchMessageW
(00F83601) C5296_0
(00F84BDB) _ReThrowException
(0007159B) TEditorManager::CheckFileChange
(0006F566) TEditorManager::Check
(00018C48) TCustomScpExplorerForm::Idle
(0004990B) TNonVisualDataModule::DoIdle
(000498C8) TNonVisualDataModule::SessionIdleTimerTimer
(003A4094) System::Classes::_18201
(000451B9) USER32.dll
(000364D7) USER32.dll
(00035616) USER32.dll
(000353EB) USER32.dll.DispatchMessageW
The problem happens rarely. I cannot reproduce it.