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mastabog wrote:

Would you be willing to change your code to use the cygwin implementation of sftp? There would be no license issues, just as with putty's. The upload speed difference is enormous, at least in my case. Maybe as a test you could add the cygwin executable and needed dlls and fire away?

I'll consider it. But it definitelly won't be soon. It's huge task.

I just saw the FAQ entry discussion slow transfer speeds:

I do indeed get the same slow upload speed with putty's psftp ... such a shame!

Would you be willing to change your code to use the cygwin implementation of sftp? There would be no license issues, just as with putty's. The upload speed difference is enormous, at least in my case. Maybe as a test you could add the cygwin executable and needed dlls and fire away?


sftp upload speed very slow


I used to use WinSCP in the past very often (also donated IIRC). I then stopped using it due to different work environment but now I'm using it again -- I'm glad to see it is still actively developed.

My problem is simple: WinSCP seems capped at around 880-900 KB/s upload speed to all sftp servers i tried. Using the "sftp" put command from cygwin, from the same machine and OS, I get 8 MB/s, which is what I would expect from my connection.

This is a huge difference ... any ideas?

(using Win7 x64 SP1)

p.s. Download speed is correct though: 7-8 MB/s which is expected and the same as the "sftp" get command.