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In your Windows Task Scheduler, the command that needs to be run should look something like this:

"C:\Program Files\WinSCP\" /script="yourscript.txt"[/quote]


I am a total novice here, read (tried to) some of the help files, and am now completely confused.

I need to download a backup of a database twice a week with simple FTP. I have set that up in Windows Tasks (Windows 7), no problem. It starts the winscp application no problem.
but then... I have the script as follows, each command is on a seperate line: User name, password,cd location (which file to look in on the server), lcd location (where to put the downloaded file), prompt, mget xxxxxxx.db, close, quit.

Where do I put this script so that it will actually open winSCP and download the database, and do I need to add/remove bits from it?
the initial session on WinSCP was saved as a default.