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Topic review


transferring in the background

Transferring in the background works beautifully.

minimise winscp whilst it is copying files

When I set WinSCP in motion copying files from a remote location to the local PC then I might simply want to clear the desktop so that I can continue working locally.

I create a number of desktop widgets that sit firmly on the windows desktop and will always appear in the background under any windows apps that happen to be running. I need to be able to minimise all Windows apps to the task bar or the system tray. As WinSCP pops up a dialog box which sits there until the current transfer has completed I cannot click on the main window's minimise buttons, so I have to wait until Win SCP has finished before I continue the work I want to do...

I presume that when you move the information from the popup dialog to a status window within WinSCP then I will be able to minimise the app. even when it transferring?