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Topic review


That's a good compromise - thanks Martin.

Pathduck wrote:

A suggestion; it would be nice to not have it close the Winscp session dialog when pressing Ctrl+P, if there are no other sessions open. So you don't have to restart Winscp to open another session?

Generally, I believe it should behave consistently, i.e. to close. But I can imagine that if you hold down Shift key simultaneously (similarly to existing behavior), it can open without closing (it should do the same for regular login).
Added to tracker:

Thanks for the "Open in Putty" shortcut - really useful, love it :mrgreen:

A suggestion; it would be nice to not have it close the Winscp session dialog when pressing Ctrl+P, if there are no other sessions open. So you don't have to restart Winscp to open another session?



What about keyboard shortcut to Open in PuTTY command?

I do not think that Save As command is that frequently used to require an easy access.

that's fair enough. But what is the suggested way to handle split buttons and keyboard focus?
MS are usually really good at giving alternatives for using keyboard for all dialog types. But it needs to be focused before you can select for instance "Save as..." - so a user needs press Tab 6 times to focus it.

Maybe a compromise could be tab order so that the Login/Save button is the first focused from the Sessions List?

But if there is no time to implement this, no worries - they are only suggestions :)

Re: 5.2.5b - suggestion for dropdown dialogs

While I understand your suggestion, the split button is a standard Windows control, so I do not think that changing its behavior is a right think to do.

5.2.5b - suggestion for dropdown dialogs

I love the new session management in the latest versions, but there a couple UI feature that would be great to have more user-friendly, especially in regards to keyboard interaction.

1. The Login dropdown dialog should be focusable with the keyboard. I suggest using Alt+L to focus, then the user can easily press down arrow to expand it, and for instance press 'p' to open in Putty. Or just have it expand as standard on Alt+L.

Default focus is just 'Login' and user can just press Enter to do a login.

2. Same with the Save dialog in Edit Session, it should focus on Alt+S (not just save as it does now), since users should be able to do "Save As" without resorting to the mouse or pressing Tab a lot.

Maybe the dialogs should expand on pressing the keyboard shortcut, so it's easier to see the other alternatives.

There are just suggestions for a more User-friendly UI - Winscp generally is otherwise a great example of good UI design, compared to other tools of the same type :)
