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Topic review


I'm sorry, I just cannot debug the 1500-lines code for you. Try to reduce the code to a smaller example.

I get the error when returning from the FTPConnect sub that initiates the actual ftp connection itself.

Which is the "3rd sub", where you get the problem?

Sorry That was an older version....

It might actually be easier just to send you what I'm working on... It's about 1600 lines long.... Thankyou for your help!! :D

Re: Using WinSCP in place of CuteFTP9

Can you show us (and comment) your code?

Using WinSCP in place of CuteFTP9

hello, I'm tasked with editing some existing VB scripts to work with WinSCP instead of CuteFTP9. I know it's a pretty decent sized task and it doesn't help much that I'm not very familiar with VBscripting. I'm running into an error where the script builds the connection session and connects to the ftp server in two separate Sub routines but when it goes to initiate the file transfer (A 3rd sub) it fails and errors saying that it is not connected. Can anyone assist with why the connection would not exist when moving sub routines? DO I need to change them to functions in order to "pass" the session around to the different procedures? Thanks in advance for your help.