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Re: Send email only if file is uploaded

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Re: Send email only if file is uploaded

Hello Martin,

I have a similar challenge! I need to achieve the following:

- Check if the file is available on the SFTP site, if yes then download to local or shared folder.
- If the file is not available then wait for 2 hours until the file arrives. We can check this by polling every 30 minutes or so.
- Send out an email if the file does not come on SFTP after 2 hours.

I have achieved a certain level but stuck at third step! Need your help and support.
Please let me know if I can share my code (Preferably if you would like to receive it on your personal email).


Send email only if file is uploaded

I currently have a script running daily that uploads files to an FTP site , but there is not always something to upload.

Is there a way to set wscp to only send an email if files were uploaded or not. and then if the files were tried to be uploaded if they were successful or not.
