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Re: Integrated Text Editor Find/Replace Update

Thanks for your post. This request has been added to tracker.
Pascal Boulerie

Re: Integrated Text Editor Find/Replace Update

The Find and Replace features do not have the ability start at the top of the file

Yes, indeed. It would be really useful.

Another approach would be to have a dialogue box similar to OpenOffice's : "Find from the beginning of the file ?", when no occurrence of the chain has been found.

Re: Integrated Text Editor Find/Replace Update

I'll consider that :-)

Integrated Text Editor Find/Replace Update

I live in WinSCP; I'm not sure what I would do daily to maintain my systems without it. Your integrated text editor gets 99.9% of my usage of WinSCP. I prefer it over using an external editor as I feel it is more likely to contain fewer bugs or be bug-free as far as saving edited files, but it's missing something fundamental. The Find and Replace features do not have the ability start at the top of the file when beginning a search. I am normally editing large Perl scripts and if I want to search the whole file, I have to scroll it to the top and select text or position the caret at the top of the file.

It would be extremely useful to add a Find button on the Find dialog, where the Find button searches the whole document from the beginning to end rather than from the current caret position to the end.

Next, on to the Replace dialog, the Replace All button should also start from the beginning of the document.

Search direction, forward or backward, may be useful to some users as well. I rarely use that feature but I have found it useful once or twice.

Lastly, although it could be ugly, returning the caret to the position (approximate would be great) in the document prior to invoking the Replace dialog.