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Re: Delete files at local if deleted from remote

clyded wrote:

Potential update to the code?
synchronize local local-directory remote-directory -filemask="|*.*_" -delete

That's correct.

Delete files at local if deleted from remote

Hi there,

I was wanting to achieve the following, could you please enlighten me?

I'm wanting to sync local (target) directory with remote (source) directory. So:
[1] any files updated at remote should get downloaded to my local directory after the sync
[2] any files deleted at remote should get deleted in my local directory after the sync
[3] any files added at remote should get added to my local directory after the sync

At the moment, with the code below, I'm getting [1] and [3] from the list above.
option batch abort

option confirm Off
open sftp://username:password@server -hostkey="ssh-rsa 2048 mac-address"
synchronize local local-directory remote-directory -filemask="|*.*_"

How do I achieve Future scenario #[2]? I've read about using the

option, would that achieve the end result?

Potential update to the code?
synchronize local local-directory remote-directory -filemask="|*.*_" -delete
