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Re: winscp txt commands file - remove

martin wrote:

WinSCP reads the command file only once, when it is starting. If you delete the file later (while WinSCP is running already), it should have no effect on WinSCP. If you have a different experience, show us WinSCP console output and WinSCP log file.

Hello Martin, yes this is what I expected.

Ok I checked it today's morning and seems I had some gremlins here during night.
Everything works. "Morning is wiser than night", right :)

You can remove this post.

Re: winscp txt commands file - remove

WinSCP reads the command file only once, when it is starting. If you delete the file later (while WinSCP is running already), it should have no effect on WinSCP. If you have a different experience, show us WinSCP console output and WinSCP log file.

winscp txt commands file - remove


I run winscp commands from bat file:

START /MIN winscp.exe /console /ini=nul /script="c:\backup\winscp.txt" /log="c:\backup\winscp.log"

The synchronization and keepuptodate is running until I remove the command-source file (winscp.txt). My question is... is it possible to run the winscp commands via txt file but after I delete file the session will still be live and the commands remain executed. Means if it is possible to run this as "service" and delete the source command file.

If no, is it possible to run winscp commands through VBscript?

Thank you