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I'm also facing "timeout detected. (control connection)" - anyone with any ideas how to fix this in a script?

OK, this seems quite tricky AND I'm wasting local bandwidth dragging over crap...

So I'm now running FB in the seedbox. This gives me clean files/ folders to download, as they're copies of the actual torrents I still need to delete them.

My script now looks like:
echo on
# Connect
open ftp://Connect stuff/ -rawsettings ProxyPort=0
# Download Films newer than 1 day then delete
cd /media/Films
Echo Getting files...
get -delete * "E:\Films-E\"
# Disconnect
# Exit WinSCP

The problem I appear to be running into is that I can end up trying to copy & delete a file that is still being processed in the seedbox (e.g. a 20GB film could still be copying from the torrent to the filebot folder etc.)

Is there a way to only pick up files/ folders that have NOT been modified in the last X minutes?

Yep... explaining is not my strong suit!

I've used the script for "Remember downloaded files"

I've now got a couple of batch files that do the calling - basically the content of the files is:
powershell.exe -ExecutionPolicy Bypass -File "C:\Users\Mark\AppData\Roaming\WinSCP\Extensions\DownloadNewFiles.WinSCPextension.ps1" -sessionUrl "ftp://FTPDETAILS" -localPath "J:\Syncd\M0vies" -remotePath "/Completed/Films-Radarr/" -listPath "I:\SeedboxAuto\AlreadyDownloadedRadarr.txt"

What I'd really like to do is call my filebot script when this completes:
filebot.exe -script fn:amc --output "I:\FilebotOut" --action move -non-strict "J:\Syncd\M0vies" --log-file amc.log --conflict auto --def minFileSize=220000 minLengthMS=120000 m0vieFormat="J:/Films-J/{n} ({y})/{} {vf}" subtitles=en clean=y

The other question I have is if I set the WinSCP as a service, what happens if it's still downloading a file and the service restarts?

Re: Move files from seedbox to local then call filebot

I'm not sure I understand what are you doing.
Did you wrote some script yet? Can you show us?

OK, so I found the install bit... that looks to be doing what I need (I'll need to restructure the folders on the seedbox to a single root)

This leads the remaining question:
How can I call filebot at the end?
Alternatively if I can download to a temporary directory that'll work as well

pulling files that have NOT been modified

My workflow is:
1. Torrent finishes and moves to folder on seedbox
2. Torrent client runs filebot to copy the files & organise
3. WinSCP to get & delete the copied file

1. How do I avoid pulling files that have not yet completed #2
2. Can I combine the "already downloaded" with the pull/ delete option:
echo on

# Connect
open ftp://Connect stuff/ -rawsettings ProxyPort=0

# Download Films newer than 1 day then delete
cd /media/Films
Echo Getting files...
get -delete * "E:\Films-E\"

# Disconnect
# Exit WinSCP