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Transferring file to EBCDIC system (AS/400)

i have a UTF-8 file which contains special characters like ä,ö,...
This file should be transferred to a AS/400 server. I use for that a .NET application written in C# and using the WinSCP library. It works, if there are no special characters. Special characters are converted to "strange" characters, because the AS/400 needs the CCSID (character code set identifier) which would be "1208" in my case. I tried to transfer manually the file on my Windows PC with the AS/400 with the build-in ftp-command-client of Windows. Before I did the transfer i have executed following command quote type c 1208 and then I did the PUT and the special characters were then correct also on the AS/400.
My question now is: Exists a possibility to set in WinSCP something to achieve the same result like I did with the command quote type c 1208?
