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Re: Delete source file after FTP File transfer not working

Thanks for responding Martin! I gave up and using PowerShell to do it.

Re: Delete source file after FTP File transfer not working

There's no error in the log snippet you have posted. Please attach complete log file.

Delete source file after FTP File transfer not working

I have the following script that runs. The file is uploaded to the destination but the file is not deleted in the local directory folder after it is successfully transferred. I also tried put and mput. Any ideas?
open s -hostkey="removed"
option batch continue
option confirm off
option reconnecttime 10
option failonnomatch on
lcd D:\EDI\B2BExporter\Picklists\CARS-MY-XNET
cd /MaxLinear/crsb2b/outbound
put -delete D:\EDI\B2BExporter\Picklists\CARS-MY-XNET\*.csv /MaxLinear/crsb2b/outbound/

I see the following error:
2021-10-21 14:36:42.953 Cached directory change via "/MaxLinear/crsb2b/outbound" to "/MaxLinear/crsb2b/outbound".
. 2021-10-21 14:36:42.953 Getting current directory name.
< 2021-10-21 14:36:42.953 Script: /MaxLinear/crsb2b/outbound
> 2021-10-21 14:36:42.953 Script: put -delete D:\EDI\B2BExporter\Picklists\CARS-MY-XNET\*.csv /MaxLinear/crsb2b/outbound/
< 2021-10-21 14:36:42.953 Script: Using configured transfer settings different from factory defaults.