keep local directory up to date Script
Good Day @Martin
Thanks for your quick feedback,
the goal of this script is to keep the local directory up to date it will run every 1 hour
and copy files starting by RND... (manually to achieve it I use the steps on the shared screenshot) keep local Directory up to date)
Let me try the shared script and confirm if it actually does what I needed
Axel N
Thanks for your quick feedback,
the goal of this script is to keep the local directory up to date it will run every 1 hour
and copy files starting by RND... (manually to achieve it I use the steps on the shared screenshot) keep local Directory up to date)
Let me try the shared script and confirm if it actually does what I needed
synchronize remote -filemask="|*rndps" C:\Users\axel.ntore\Desktop\file\0707\ /home/ntoreax/Documents/ILLOGSOURCE
Axel N