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Re: GET command is pulling sub-folders as well. How to stop this?

Either a generic solution:
get -filemask="employee_????????????_300_??????????????.txt.pgp>=today|*/" *

See How do I transfer (or synchronize) directory non-recursively?

Or (for your specific case) even easier:
get employee_????????????_300_??????????????.txt.pgp>=today

GET command is pulling sub-folders as well. How to stop this?

I have something wrong with my get command but I am unable to figure it out. Basically what happens is that the get looks at the remote server folder /HR and checks for files meeting the criteria, then it also looks into all sub-folder of /HR and checks for files meeting the criteria on those as well.
Even if there are no files that meet the criteria, the get command is creating the sub-folders (which I do not want) on the local server.

The goal of the get command is to only look in the parent folder (/HR) and not the sub-folders for files meeting the mask and date of today.

Here is what my code looks like:
cd /HR
lcd C:\WINSCP_PROD\Downloads
get -filemask="employee_????????????_300_??????????????.txt.pgp>=today" *

Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated