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Re: Cannot create an instance of the following .NET Framework object: assembly WinSCPnet

I'm facing same issue.
Did you get the solution?

Re: Cannot create an instance of the following .NET Framework object: assembly WinSCPnet

Sorry, I do not know "Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central". And the error message does not contain any useful information. Nor did you detailed how are you using/referencing WinSCP .NET assembly.

Cannot create an instance of the following .NET Framework object: assembly WinSCPnet

We got an error while pulling data from the dynamics application

Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central
Cannot create an instance of the following .NET Framework object: assembly WinSCPnet, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=2271ec4a3c56d0bf, type WinSCP.SessionOptions.