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Topic review


I just read that you can't turn off permissions or timestamps with synchronize. I will work on getting a script that deletes files older than 90 days instead.

Permission errors uploading to AWS SFTP

I'm trying to create a script to synchronize a local drive folder with a folder in an SFTP site. However I keep getting an error and the transfer stops:
error occurred while setting the permissions and/or timestamp.
If the problem persists, turn off setting permissions or preserving timestamp. Alternatively you can turn on 'Ignore permission errors' option.
The server does not support the operation.
Error code: 8

This SFTP is in an S3 bucket and you can't modify the timestamp after it's been uploaded. Here is my code. What am I doing wrong? I just want the folders to synchronize and I'm ok if they aren't time stamped. Thanks in advance!
Batch file code:
@echo off
REM CD "C:\Program Files (x86)\WinSCP" /script=C:\Scripts\SFTPupload.txt > C:\Scripts\SFTPuploadLog.txt

Here's my script:
option echo off 
option batch on
option confirm off
open s
synchronize remote -delete -nopermissions -nopreservetime <localpath> <sftp path>