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Re: Upload only files that are new and contain data

Yes, that's correct.

Though just note that >0HS selects the files modified (not created) in the current hour (not sure how define the last hour).

Upload only files that are new and contain data

This will cause the file to upload only if created in the last hour:
put Test.csv -filemask=">0HS"

This will cause the file to upload only if it contains data:
put Test.csv -filemask=">0K"

This seems to upload the file if it was modified in the last hour OR if it contains data:
put Test.csv -filemask=">0HS, >0K"

What do I need to do differently so the file will only upload if it satisfies both conditions instead of either?

Edit: Looks like this is what I needed to use:
put test.csv -filemask=">0HS>0K"