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Topic review


Feature request : Overwrite only if smaller

Example, you are copying over tens of thousands of files and hundreds of gigabytes

For whatever reason, the transfer fails.

Somewhere in that pile of files there is an incomplete file and I don't know which one.

Restarting the download, on the first file collision my choices are

  • Overwrite all [damaged file is overwritten but massive waste of time and bandwidth]
  • Overwrite if newer [damaged file is same date and does not get overwritten]
  • Don't over write [damaged file remains in new archive]

What I would like is to do a hash comparison of the remote file and the local file and overwrite all files that fail hash check. [and optionally, move all hash failed files to a %userprofile%\desktop\Damaged files\relative\path\to\file\]

But that is quite difficult and I would be very happy with "Overwrite all smaller files"