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WinSCP.exe in .NET Core Lambda function

I have developed a .NET Core 6.0 using WinSCP 6.1.0 NuGet package. Locally, from my own PC, I can access a SFTP server, obtaining connection and being able to PUT files. When I deploy my app as a AWS Lambda function I get the following error on Session.Open():
WinSCP.SessionLocalException: The winscp.exe executable was not found at location of the assembly WinSCPnet (/var/task), nor the entry assembly Amazon.Lambda.RuntimeSupport (/var/runtime), nor in an installation path. You may use Session.ExecutablePath property to explicitly set path to winscp.exe.

I am aware that for a Azure Function I can set ExecutablePath like this, and it works:
public static void Run([TimerTrigger("%XXXSendSchedule%")] TimerInfo myTimer, ILogger log, ExecutionContext executionContext)
     . . .
     using (Session winscpSession = new Session())
          // See
          winscpSession.ExecutablePath = Path.Combine(executionContext.FunctionAppDirectory, "winscp.exe");

However, in a Lambda function the ILambdaContext does not seem to have anything like Azure's FunctionAppDirectory:
public void MyFunctionHandler(ILambdaContext context)

Where can I find the path where the Lambda function keeps winscp.exe?
