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Topic review


Thanks for your feedback.

Thanks, it works. You were correct, window is displaying windows system language string.

I've resent the email.

Dear Martin, I hope, I understood you correctly, but I didn't receive any nightly build, could you please resend it to me in order to test it?

Re: Codepage error at the update window

Thanks for your report.
What exactly does "the codepage win1251 for non-utf symbols" mean?
I've assumed that you mean the "Language for non-Unicode programs" (see
But I've tried to set it to "Russian (Russia)", and do not see the problem. I get correct
Host "" does not exist.
Could not resolve hostname `': No such host is known.

Codepage error at the update window

On the codepage win1251 for non-utf symbols I'm getting this window when trying to update WinSCP (6.1) without internet. This codepage bug affects all languages. There could be more of them, but I found only one.