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Re: Automating file transfer from local machine to Google Drive

Well, that's not WinSCP question.
But in general, you can use Windows Task Scheduler.

Re: Automating file transfer from local machine to Google Drive

Good morning Martin,
As of right now I have a batch file using xcopy which I can place in the start menu or I can simply double click it to run it and it does copy the file to the Google drive. However, I am wanting it to run without me having to execute it. Any ideas would be great!

Re: Automating file transfer from local machine to Google Drive

To automate file transfer between two local drives, you do not need WinSCP.
Use regular local file transfer automation commands, such as copy.

Automating file transfer from local machine to Google Drive

I am new to WinSCP and am trying to find out if it is possible to automate moving 1 file from my local C: drive to a Google drive listed as D: on my machine. Hopefully this is not to vague.
Thanks in advance for any help.