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Re: Uploading and deleting files/directories always fails on one of my hosting accounts

Please post log of the same operation with FileZilla.
Does the problem happen if you downgrade to TLS 1.2?

Uploading and deleting files/directories always fails on one of my hosting accounts

Uploading and deleting large files/directories always fails on one of my web hosting accounts who uses pure-ftpd v1.0.51.
The connection disconnects every few seconds when using WinSCP and has to be re-established with Reconnect.
This happens only with WinSCP, other clients like FileZilla, SmartFTP and many more are working well with this web hosting service. I have already had this checked by the web host's support, they have not found any errors on their side.
Please note: I'm using WinSCP since many years and have some experience.