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Should also add that if FileZilla worked then it would probably be a WinSCP issue that I've seen. But, I don't know if you provided info about that (I didn't look at any attachments).

I believe I've seen that happen when needing router ports opened. You didn't provide enough info though.

The file listing should use data connection ports for PASV. So a can't connect on data ports, will yield a failure, and be unable to send a listing. There would therefore be nothing to list.

Another point of problem is a bug on the server side.

I can tell you that WinSCP does work in this situation so there's likely a networking or server issue.

Re: FTPS (Passive) connection gets <Empty directory listing> with WinSCP, but not with FileZilla

Strange. Can you try turning off your firewall temporarily for a test?
Also try to turn off Use MLSD command for directory listing and "Support for listing of hidden files"
Please post new logs afterwards.

FTPS (Passive) connection gets <Empty directory listing> with WinSCP, but not with FileZilla

I have a connection setup in both WinSCP and FileZilla (newest versions of each). I believe I have them both set the same: FTPS explicit, passive, same username/password, running from the same machine. The FileZilla client connects and performs a directory listing. The WinSCP client connects but does not provide directory listing. Instead, it seems to give log messages of:
. 2024-06-13 14:32:25.332 Data connection closed
. 2024-06-13 14:32:25.332 <Empty directory listing>
< 2024-06-13 14:32:25.332 226 Transfer complete.

I've attached logs of each client trying to connect to the same site.