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Topic review


Timeout waiting for WinSCP to respond

I believe that WinSCP only supports Windows-based applications; it does not support web-based applications. No problems with the code, firewall, or privileges, in my opinion. We are unable to push files to SFTP once the code has been published on the web server, even though everything is functioning well locally (on the development workstation). Please let me know have you any idea about that.

Re: Timeout waiting for WinSCP to respond

So please try the same, while running winscp.exe on the server.

Timeout waiting for WinSCP to respond

Could you please let me know the step to follow, how to connect with WinSCP GUI from the server.

Note: I can able to connect the via username and Password, when double click on WinSCP.exe.

Re: Timeout waiting for WinSCP to respond

Can you connect with WinSCP GUI from the server?

Timeout waiting for WinSCP to respond

Please find the attached both server log. Could you please help on this, How to proceed further.
Server Log Filename:

LocalHost Log Filename:

Re: Timeout waiting for WinSCP to respond

Please attach both session and debug log files (Session.SessionLogPath + Session.DebugLogPath) from both environments.

Timeout waiting for WinSCP to respond

We are not able to upload file from web application to WinSCP, but we don't have issue in development machine, only in server machine. Please find the attached log for your reference. Could you please help on this issue.