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Topic review


No Connection

I have removed WinSCP from the computer. Reinstalled and now I can see all the directories on my Rebox again.
And the usual directory for the Rebox is /storage/hdd/recordings
There I can find what I recorded.
And I copy the recorded files as a back up to my computer using WinSCP.

Re: No connection?

Sorry, we do not know you system. So "usual directory" does not tell us anything.

Did you try using the Home directory command/button? Or is that what you call "main directory"?

No connection?

I use this program to connect to a Rebox satellite receiver with hard drive. Worked fine. But today there seems to be a connection. But it shows for the Rebox not the usual directory but a maindirectory without subdirectories. I don't know what changed and how to get a propper connection.