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Topic review


Re: Merging Remote Folders is not implemented

Thanks for your suggestion.
We will see, if more people ask for this.
Hywi Secarpa

Merging Remote Folders is not implemented

Renaming remote folder from name folder1 to name folder2, with two previously existing remote folders folder1 and folder2.

WinSCP 6.3.4

Current Behavior

  1. A Dialog with the deletion operation appears
  2. folder2 is deleted
  3. folder1 is renamed as folder2

Expected Behavior

  1. A Dialog with the merge operation appears, asking the files which will be overwritten
  2. folder1 is merged into folder2

Both remote folders should be merged, copying every file and folders from folder1 into folder2, and asking for renaming when identical names exist, like Windows Merge Explorer or rsync Merge functionalities.