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Trying to connect to a second machine via Advanced->SCP->Shell

Recently, I have reinstalled Ubuntu on a remote machine. To connect to the machine from home, I have to ssh to a gateway and from there I have to ssh to the local machine I want. Therefore, in the gateway, I have write a file ssh_to_rtx3080 with the content of ssh rtx3080. I give the path to the file in WinSCP->Advanced->SCP->Shell. But as you can see in the picture, I get an error that server connection is closed.

When I use the terminal on the gateway, there is no problem with that file.
$ cat ssh_to_rtx3080

ssh rtx3080
$ ./ssh_to_rtx3080
mahmood@rtx3080's password:
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Last login: Thu Jul  4 09:29:56 2024 from

I have read the FAQ but I don't understand what is the problem exactly. Any idea about that?