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Never mind, I found a fundamental flaw in how I was doing these. The UI was updated but the .com and .exe in my directories were from 2018. Thanks, all is good!

WinSCP 6.3.4 is the only version i have installed.

Transferring files and some are being created as a directory on the vendors side

I'm transferring some files and some are being created as a directory on the vendor side. I found many forum posts about this issue. I've validated that Windows Server OS is seeing the local file as a file and not a directory. I've tried excluding directories with a file mask.

If i queue the files for transfer in the UI then files transfer successfully without issue. I believe there is just an issue with the batch script i'm using. I've been using WinSCP for many years at this point and havent had this issue. After seeing an error tracking page, it seems this issue was fixed with a recent version of WinSCP, but after installing the latest i'm still having this issue. Any ideas?

I've attached the winscp log to this post.