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Re: Can't select files with the "rectangle"

Sorry, but I have no idea when it started to happen. My computer has been running for more than three weeks and so have WinSCP.

Re: Can't select files with the "rectangle"

Can you try to find out after what operation/event does the problem start?

Can't select files with the "rectangle"

Now I have got that weird behavior again that I can't click the left mouse button on a row and drag to select many files (rectangle).
When I do it, it will only select the file I click on.
I can of course go below all the files and click and drag upwards.
I'm pretty sure this behavior will go away if I restart WinSCP, but something happens after WinSCP has been running for some days (it has now been running for 21 days).
Yes, I restarted WinSCP and now I can select files again with the mouse (rectangle).
WinSCP 6.3.4
Windows 10 22H2

I think I have already reported this to you, but I couldn't find it.
Maybe it was in an email only, I'm not sure.