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Topic review


pstein wrote:

How can I specify: transfer all files with NO extension as ASCII with auto-conversion ?

Please read documentation.

Is there a content-inspection+decision option?


So if I understand all corrently it depends on the extension of the file. If I up-/download a file
with one of the listed extensions then an auto-conversion took place.

But what if I upload a file with NO extension?

How can I specify: transfer all files with NO extension as ASCII with auto-conversion ?

Furthermore I miss (espcially for the no-extension files) a feature which peeks into the real content of the files.
If this is more likely a text file then the file should be transferred as ASCII otherwise as BIN.

Is there a content-inspection+decision option or
only simple extension-only decision-making ?


Re: How to auto-convert text file carriag returns WinXP-to-Linux

Please read documentation.

How to auto-convert text file carriag returns WinXP-to-Linux

I dragged a text file (shell script) created under WinXP from WinExplorer onto WinSCP and uploaded it to a Linux system.

Because Linux system treat Carriage Returns different
from the handling under Win systems a conversion is necessary.

How can I tell WinSCP to automatically convert
these eol bytes in the text file to the necessary Linux bytes when transferring?