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Re: Unknown option reconnecttime

fintrax wrote:

Unknown option 'reconnecttime=5'
I am running winscp 4.1.9 and am wondering how to get the script to reconnect.

Option reconnecttime is supported since 4.2.x only.

Unknown option reconnecttime

I am running the same batch file.
When I run it the command prompt screen shows
batch on
confirm off
Unknown option 'reconnecttime=5'
Connecting to *****
It successfully connects and starts the synchronization but on occassion during the synchronization it just stops.
The ftp server it is synchronizing with just shows disconnected.
I am running winscp 4.1.9 and am wondering how to get the script to reconnect.


martin wrote:

Did you resolve it?

yes. Thank you!

Did you resolve it?

thanks! that explains it

Re: timeout during synchonize

It is "option reconnecttime 14400", just as with any other option. It limit how long should WinSCP try to reconnect when the connection is broken. When it breaks again later, it tries again the for the same period. Though, still it has nothing to do with the "Timeout waiting for external console to complete the command". The error means what WinSCP.exe is not able to communicate with that started it. So far I've seen this error only when was incorrectly run from some another application.

Re: timeout during synchonize

Hi, I'm using this script below to sync down data from a slow server. Once in a while I see timeouts. Sometimes it reconnects and sometimes it doesn't. I found out that the -timeout option in the open command seems to apply for the entire sync session, not just open.
I'm not sure how the reconnecttime option works. If I run it like in the script below then I get an error message "Unknown option 'reconnecttime=14400'". I'm using WinSCP 4.2.3
It would also be good to know what time the reconnecttime option addresses. Is it the time for a single reconnect? That means that if I specify 4 hours and it attemts to reconnect then it would attempt to reconnect for another 4 hours next time the connection is broken (within the same sync session). This assume that the connection got re-established after the first broken connection.

option batch on
option confirm off
option synchdelete off
option reconnecttime=14400
open -timeout=45 xxxxxx
option transfer binary
synchronize local xxxxxxxx .

Re: timeout during synchonize

jensm wrote:

I was looking at the timeout option in the open command and the reconnect option but I'm not sure of it kicks in for this particular case.

It does not. This is very special case. How do you run WinSCP?

timeout during synchonize

I once in a while get a timout while synchronise a folder structure.
Is there a way to recover within the script?
I was looking at the timeout option in the open command and the reconnect option but I'm not sure of it kicks in for this particular case.

| 30291 KiB | 89.9 KiB/s | binary | 72%Timeout waiting for external console to complete the command.