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Re: how to use a script in one folder to move files in another

I'm not sure if I understand but this may help:
put ..\Out\*.CSV
Inkster jim

how to use a script in one folder to move files in another

I have a folder called D:\ICR\Out where a list of files reside. I have a file called abie.bat that calls another called abie.txt in the Out directory
Abie.bat has one line "WinSCP.exe /console /script=abie.txt". It calls Abie.txt that has the WinSCP commands that looks like this:
open cdar:Gr08m145k3pywqo-_35@
cd In
put *.CSV
I would like to move them to a folder called WinSCP_Scripts on the same level (D:\ICR\WinSCP_Scripts that the Out folder is on. I don't want the scripts in the same folder as the outgoing files (Out) What do I need to change in these 2 script files so they will run from WinSCP_Scripts instead of Out, the outgoing files will remain in the Out folder.
