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Search found 40,779 posts

(Support and Bug Reports > Receiving 0 byte files)
Re: Receiving 0 byte files

(Scripting / Automation > How do I connect and download in single command line in SQL – SFTP)
Re: How do I connect and download in single command line in SQL – SFTP

(Scripting / Automation > Download Zip files with WinSCP)
Re: Download Zip files with WinSCP

(Scripting / Automation > Downloading files from different directories)
Re: Downloading files from different directories

(Scripting / Automation > Como borrar archivos despues de descargados)
Re: Eliminar Archivos del servidor una vez descargados

(Scripting / Automation > Session.MoveFile to Preserve Directory Time Stamps)
Re: Session.MoveFile to Preserve Directory Time Stamps

(Scripting / Automation > Automating WinSCP to download from FTP server)
Re: Automating WinSCP to download from FTP server

(Support and Bug Reports > Very Large File Downloads)
Re: Very Large File Downloads

(Support and Bug Reports > WinSCP cannot open files when user is not root)
Re: WinSCP cannot open files when user is not root

(Support and Bug Reports > Confused about the two passwords)
Re: Confused about the two passwords

(Support and Bug Reports > Eliminar Archivos del servidor una vez descargados en local)
Re: Eliminar Archivos del servidor una vez descargados en local

(Automatic Bug Reports > Invalid access to memory - Vcl::Comctrls::TListItem::SetCaption)
Re: Invalid access to memory - Vcl::Comctrls::TListItem::SetCaption

(Support and Bug Reports > TLS error with version 6.3.3)
Re: Re: Re: TLS error with version 6.3.3

(Feature Requests > Saving the configuration file in UTF-8 encoding with BOM)
Saving the configuration file in UTF-8 encoding with BOM

(Support and Bug Reports > WinSCP crashes during connection to server)
Re: WinSCP crashes during connection to server

(Scripting / Automation > Need advice/support with a PowerShell script)
Need advice/support with a PowerShell script

(Feature Requests > Backblaze integration)
Re: Excessive S3 List Object Calls When Uploading to Backblaze B2

(Scripting / Automation > Need advice/support with a PowerShell script)
Need advice/support with a PowerShell script

(Support and Bug Reports > Use WinSCP commercially (License))
Re: Use WinSCP commercially (License)

(Support and Bug Reports > Incorrect MAC received on packet Errors in Versions 6.1–6.3)
Incorrect MAC received on packet Errors in Versions 6.1–6.3

(Support and Bug Reports > sftp connection to HUAWEI S5720 fail with : Signature from server's host key is invalid)
Re: sftp connection to HUAWEI S5720 fail with : Signature from server's host key is invalid

(Support and Bug Reports > WinSCP cannot see all files... FileZilla does.)
WinSCP cannot see all files... FileZilla does.

(Support and Bug Reports > Script encountering authentication issues with WebDAV server (

(Support and Bug Reports > sftp connection to HUAWEI S5720 fail with : Signature from server's host key is invalid)
Re: sftp connection to HUAWEI S5720 fail with : Signature from server's host key is invalid

(Support and Bug Reports > Timeout waiting for WinSCP to respond)
Re: Timeout waiting for WinSCP to respond

(Feature Requests > Add settings: Upload edited files by "upload to temp file and move (rename) to realname")
Re: Add settings: Upload edited files by "upload to temp file and move (rename) to realname"

(Scripting / Automation > Including deleted local file info in xmllog)
Re: Including deleted local file info in xmllog

(Scripting / Automation > Automating WinSCP to download from FTP server)
Automating WinSCP to download from FTP server

(.NET assembly / COM library > WinSCP.SessionRemoteException: Credentials were not specified --- with invalid credentials)
Re: here's the log file

(Support and Bug Reports > Error listing directory)
Error listing directory

(Support and Bug Reports > month-end FTSE index file)
Re: month-end FTSE index file

(Support and Bug Reports > Incorrect MAC received on packet Errors in Versions 6.1–6.3)
Incorrect MAC received on packet Errors in Versions 6.1–6.3

(Support and Bug Reports > Receiving 0 byte files)
Re: Zero-length files

(Support and Bug Reports > FTP server is accessible but subdirectories are erroring out as permission denied)
Re: FTP server is accessible but subdirectories are erroring out as permission denied

(Support and Bug Reports > Deadlock during TLS to Android)
Deadlock during TLS to Android

(Support and Bug Reports > WinSCP cannot see all files... FileZilla does.)
WinSCP cannot see all files... FileZilla does.

(Support and Bug Reports > Configuring the HTTP URL Extension)
Re: Configuring the HTTP URL Extension

(Support and Bug Reports > probleme .filepart)
probleme .filepart

(Support and Bug Reports > [SOLVED] Timeout after every WebDAV transfer, yet successful transfers)
Re: Timeout after every WebDAV transfer, yet successful transfers

(Support and Bug Reports > Trying to connect to a second machine via Advanced->SCP->Shell)
Re: Trying to connect to a second machine via Advanced->SCP->Shell

(Support and Bug Reports > Im rechten Listenfenster könnnen nur Verzeichnisse des home-Rechners gewählt werden.)
Re: Im rechten Listenfenster könnnen nur Verzeichnisse des home-Rechners gewählt werden.

(Support and Bug Reports > TLS error with version 6.3.3)
Re: Re: Re: TLS error with version 6.3.3

(Support and Bug Reports > Script encountering authentication issues with WebDAV server (
Re: Script encountering authentication issues with WebDAV server (

(Support and Bug Reports > Im rechten Listenfenster könnnen nur Verzeichnisse des home-Rechners gewählt werden.)
Re: Im rechten Listenfenster könnnen nur Verzeichnisse des home-Rechners gewählt werden.

(Feature Requests > Non-priveledged mode)
Re: Non-priveledged mode

(Feature Requests > Background color per Environment (Session))
Re: Background color per Environment (Session)

(Scripting / Automation > Password not working when scripting)
Re: Figured it out

(Scripting / Automation > Automating WinSCP to download from FTP server)
Re: Automating WinSCP to download from FTP server

(.NET assembly / COM library > WinSCP.SessionRemoteException: Credentials were not specified --- with invalid credentials)
Re: WinSCP.SessionRemoteException: Credentials were not specified --- with invalid credentials

(Support and Bug Reports > Local File Deletion Error)
Local File Deletion Error

(Support and Bug Reports > Incorrect MAC received on packet Errors in Versions 6.1–6.3)
Incorrect MAC received on packet Errors in Versions 6.1–6.3

(Support and Bug Reports > Receiving 0 byte files)
Re: Receiving 0 byte files

(Support and Bug Reports > WinSCP cannot see all files... FileZilla does.)
Re: WinSCP cannot see all files... FileZilla does.

(Support and Bug Reports > WinSCP 6.4 Beta)
Re: WinSCP 6.4 Beta

(Support and Bug Reports > sftp connection to HUAWEI S5720 fail with : Signature from server's host key is invalid)
Re: sftp connection to HUAWEI S5720 fail with : Signature from server's host key is invalid

(Support and Bug Reports > File must be specified by library/file.member ???)
Re: FTP attribute change not required after V7R4

(Support and Bug Reports > Workspace destroyed)
Re: Workspace destroyed

(Support and Bug Reports > Timeout waiting for WinSCP to respond)
Re: Timeout waiting for WinSCP to respond

(Automatic Bug Reports > Invalid access to memory - System::Syncobjs::TCriticalSection::Enter)
Re: Invalid access to memory - System::Syncobjs::TCriticalSection::Enter

(Feature Requests > Add host name to files opened in the temporary location for editing)
Re: Add host name to files opened in the temporary location for editing

(Feature Requests > Saving the configuration file in UTF-8 encoding with BOM)
Saving the configuration file in UTF-8 encoding with BOM

(Feature Requests > Saving the configuration file in UTF-8 encoding with BOM)
Saving the configuration file in UTF-8 encoding with BOM

(Support and Bug Reports > Merging Remote Folders is not implemented)
Re: Merging Remote Folders is not implemented

(Support and Bug Reports > Timeout waiting for WinSCP to respond)
Re: Timeout waiting for WinSCP to respond

(Support and Bug Reports > TLS error with version 6.3.3)
Re: Re: Re: TLS error with version 6.3.3

(Scripting / Automation > Process works VS on App Server but fails in SSIS on SQL Server)
Re: Process works VS on App Server but fails in SSIS on SQL Server

(Support and Bug Reports > download an input list of folders in a txt file)
Re: download an input list of folders in a txt file

(Support and Bug Reports > The af-south-1 location constraint is incompatible for the region specific endpoint this request was)
Re: Fixed

(Support and Bug Reports > Script encountering authentication issues with WebDAV server (
Re: Script encountering authentication issues with WebDAV server (

(Support and Bug Reports > SFTP times out, but the file appears normally?)
SFTP times out, but the file appears normally?

(Support and Bug Reports > Incorrect MAC received on packet Errors in Versions 6.1–6.3)
Re: Incorrect MAC received on packet Errors in Versions 6.1–6.3

(Support and Bug Reports > Wachtwoord)
Re: Wachtwoord

(Support and Bug Reports > Find a file and download the directory that contains it)
Find a file and download the directory that contains it

(Support and Bug Reports > WinSCP crashes during connection to server)
Re: WinSCP crashes during connection to server

(Support and Bug Reports > TLS error with version 6.3.3)
Re: Re: Re: TLS error with version 6.3.3

(Feature Requests > Saving the configuration file in UTF-8 encoding with BOM)
Re: Saving the configuration file in UTF-8 encoding with BOM

(Scripting / Automation > Schedule remote to remote job)
Re: Schedule remote to remote job

(Support and Bug Reports > New version 6.3.4 Crash)
Re: New version 6.3.4 Crash

(Support and Bug Reports > Right side directory is same as left side (local))
Re: Right side directory is same as left side (local)

(Support and Bug Reports > Find a file and download the directory that contains it)
Re: Find a file and download the directory that contains it

(Support and Bug Reports > WinSCP Synchronize/Mirror fails on certain filenames)
Re: WinSCP Synchronize/Mirror fails on certain filenames

(Support and Bug Reports > probleme .filepart)
Re: probleme .filepart

(Support and Bug Reports > WinSCP crashes during connection to server)
Re: WinSCP crashes during connection to server

(Support and Bug Reports > File Encryption just for the content not for the file name.)
File Encryption just for the content not for the file name.

(Support and Bug Reports > Unable to do SSH to server)
Re: Unable to do SSH to server

(Support and Bug Reports > Unable to install Windows 11 24H2 on PC)
Re: Unable to install Windows 11 24H2 on PC

(Support and Bug Reports > No connection?)
Re: No connection?

(Support and Bug Reports > Timeout waiting for WinSCP to respond)
Re: Timeout waiting for WinSCP to respond

(Support and Bug Reports > Drag and drop behaviour from WinSCP to Outlook message)
Drag and drop behaviour from WinSCP to Outlook message

(Feature Requests > "Disconnect session" toolbar button)
"Disconnect session" toolbar button

(Support and Bug Reports > New version 6.3.4 Crash)
Re: New version 6.3.4 Crash

(Support and Bug Reports > Bye! (Too many connections))
Re: Bye! (Too many connections)

(Support and Bug Reports > RE: VBA Scripting Issue with Session Logging - Access Denied on Log File (But Log Is Created!))
Re: RE: VBA Scripting Issue with Session Logging - Access Denied on Log File (But Log Is Created!)

(Support and Bug Reports > TLS error with version 6.3.3)
Re: Re: Re: TLS error with version 6.3.3

(Support and Bug Reports > Drag and drop behaviour from WinSCP to Outlook message)
Re: Drag and drop behaviour from WinSCP to Outlook message

(Support and Bug Reports > Generated Code returns (0x1) error in Task Scheduler)
Re: Generated Code returns (0x1) error in Task Scheduler

(Support and Bug Reports > 502-Auth command is not supported)
Re: 502-Auth command is not supported

(Support and Bug Reports > Data connection closed)
Re: Data connection closed

(Support and Bug Reports > I can not able to connect MFT through WinSCP app)
Re: I can not able to connect MFT through WinSCP app

(Automatic Bug Reports > List index out of bounds (-1) - _winscp_query)
Re: Error changing directory from '/home' - _winscp_query to /tmp

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