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(Support and Bug Reports > WinSCP 6.4 Beta)
WinSCP 6.4 Beta

(Translation > German)

(Support and Bug Reports > New files seem to transfer in WinSCP, but my website doesn't update)
New files seem to transfer in WinSCP, but my website doesn't update

(.NET assembly / COM library > WinSCPnet.dll on Windows 2000)
Re: WinSCPnet.dll on Windows2000

(Support and Bug Reports > WinSCP 6.3(.1) doesn't start on WinXP)
WinSCP 6.3(.1) doesn't start on WinXP

(Support and Bug Reports > WinSCP 6.3(.1) doesn't start on WinXP)
Re: WinSCP 6.3(.1) doesn't start on WinXP

(Support and Bug Reports > WinSCP 6.3(.1) doesn't start on WinXP)
WinSCP 6.3(.1) doesn't start on WinXP

(Support and Bug Reports > WinSCP 6.3(.1) doesn't start on WinXP)
WinSCP 6.3(.1) doesn't start on WinXP

(Support and Bug Reports > WinSCP 6.3(.1) doesn't start on WinXP)
WinSCP 6.3(.1) doesn't start on WinXP

(Support and Bug Reports > Installing on Windows XP SP3)
last version of WinSCP for WinXP