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Scripting / Automation
Multiple File types in Various Folders
.NET PowerShell script - assist with improving upload resilience
WinSCP.SessionRemoteException: C:\path\ is not file!
Putting multiple extensions
How to setup WinSCP accept the expected host key automatically (not scripting)
Respond to Interactive prompt
Script to automate SFTP file download and delete from SFTP
How can login into docker container and/or image?
Unable to script file transfer because CWD is not allowed on remote server
Generate URL session – Use only Shell: default
Command line return nothing but host
Trouble Uploading
Need example of login using WinSCP.exe; username & password
WinSCP password includes alias character
Upload a file to sftp and create the path
Is remote directory kept up-to-date in a session?
Configure ini file on User Name
Help getting filemask correct for rm command
Use WinSCP to download multiple files from SFTP server on custom port?
2 Questions for console Using
Disable Resume/Transfer settings during file transfer using PowerShell
How to make /log option less verbose?
Pause command - keep window open use option batch continue
Delete last uploaded file
How to Enable Text Transfer & Turn off BOM
Cannot locate COM executable
Scheduled task not working in Task Scheduler
PowerShell automation to upload files
How to globally set default ResumeSupport=off in all scripts as currently ignoring app setting
Script Automation with logging
WinSCP fails to connect
Prepend timestamp for wildcard upload deleting characters from filename
Script to resume file upload from local folder to remote server?
Filemask not Working on Folders
Help with script to FTP all files in a local folder to a remote server then delete the local files
From WinSCP Application settings to WinSCP.SessionOptions properties
Host key does not match configured key
How to create directory and move to this new directory
%ERRORLEVEL% is always 0
Put command is appending to file using the Wasabi service
After run script folder is deleted
Getting Frequent WinSCP time-outs
GET command is pulling sub-folders as well. How to stop this?
Preserve Timestamp setting when using a script
Keep remote-Folder up to date
Problem passing a parameter from .bat file to script
Timed execution of multiple commands
Automating Local Copy to Remote SFTP share
Why cant I upload files with SshHostKeyFingerprint instead of Password?
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