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.NET assembly / COM library


Access is denied error on every script second run on his own folder

Copy files from one remote directory to another remote directory on the same server

Freeze FTP

COM methods not visible [solved]

  • 2020-06-17 10:29
  • TNDinh

What happens when the object is disposed that would cause a later, new connection to disconnect?

AddRawConfiguration what is the correct syntax to use

Authentication failed during session connect when using assembly

Different way to use WinSCP within SSIS using a Script task

Hi, how does one 'remove BMO' using the .Net Assembly?

How to set the lastwritetime attribute of a file or directory?

Synchronization preview support for .NET assembly

about SFTP file transfers in .NET search existing files on winscp

Using strong SSH cipher keys?

WinSCP C# Library - Cannot open file “\\.\nul”. Access denied

Why the last 1% takes so long time.

You cannot call a method on a null-valued expression.

WinSCP transition to TLS 1.2

SessionOptions.Protocol issue

  • 2020-05-14 17:47
  • Lotusscript

GUI connection works, WinSCPnet.dll fails with Permission denied on reading folder

  • 2020-05-14 13:27
  • Startestor

Disable "Use multiple connections for single transfer"

Command-line Windows SFTP server

Does WinSCP support HTTPS proxy?

Is it possible to change upload speed in an active thread?

WINSCP Returning Not Putting files to the server Append on FTP using ExecuteCommand in PowerShell

Timestamp is two hours back to my generated file after transferring

WinSCP.Session.Open Timeout

How do I configure to use a particular cipher?


Help Using ExecuteCommand? ls is unrecognized command.

Session HomePath

Download files as folders

Error: Exception calling "ParseUrl" with "1" argument(s): "R sftp through a Proxy server

Error condition remote serve file 'in use'

  • 2020-04-01 20:26
  • hyptechdev@...

Error Listing Directories starting with numbers

  • 2020-03-20 23:50
  • Tibi

[WinSCP.FtpSecure]::explicittls get error

Error Could not retrieve directory listing........ No such file or director

Can I use Session.EnumerateRemoteFiles() in VBA?

WinSCPnet.dll installation and usage confusion

.NET Assemblies session.SynchronizeDirectories perfomance...

Obtaining fingerprint for SFTP

SFTP Remote Path Folder name needs wildcard

Using ListDirectory to display only directories not files

Registering DLL for 64bit Office

Server asks for authentication with a client certificate

Error Exception :Error deleting file 'myFiles'. After resumable file upload

SSIS - WinSCP Upload Failure

Regarding stream upload.

no new file information

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