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.NET assembly / COM library
Can I use session rawsettings shell option to change default shell AND alter sudo?
Cannot connect to FTPS server
C# Cannot Open Session
Performance issue, sftp, c# code
Calculating checksum match after transfer
Error occurred while setting the permissions and/or timestamp - Ignore permission errors
Your shell is probably incompatible with the application (BASH is recommended)
Download files and move after download on to the remote server
WinSCPnet.dll targeted framework is not as expected for netstandard2.0
Problems to upload multiples Files
Folder with spaces C# session.GetFiles
WinscpDLL detecting timeout / failing to upload full file
The filename, directory name, or volume label syntax is incorrect error whn using WinSCP SSIS script
Retrieving LastReadTime from files list
Get & Put with WinSCP
Print custom output to file after X % to logfile
get only the first line without download the whole file?
How to put a multiple Filemask ?
Use "stored" session settings from .NET assembly
Use Com object for SFTP in VBS file
SFTP client DotNet source code support in WinCE 8 - Windows Embedded Compact 2013
The RemoteFileInfo.LastWriteTime.Millisecond value is always 0.
Put Multiple Files
Lost connection. Timeout detected. (control connection)
How to get SshHostKeyFingerprint to download files from FTP Path to local machine
VBA: Synchronize progress
.NET assembly - macOS support
Issues with filemask
5.16 beta 4.0 Framework DLL not signed
Winscp assembly getting timeout
Powershell script on SQL agent no longer working
Unable to connect/synchronize using SFTP
Example powershell script from .NET assembly does not work
Unable to use new SessionOptions statement in SSIS Script Task
Multiple transfert
How to get single file from remote directory
Decrypting PGP files from a SSIS child package
Put Files from Azure File Storage to FTP
WinSCP.SessionRemoteException error
Failed to retrieve file attributes to detect timezone difference
Unable to download file -> Mask is invalid near
Error message (You don't have permission to access /Tester/ on this server)
FTP passive mode not passive?
session.SynchronizeDirectories vs session.CompareDirectories winscp.exe and winscpnet.dll have a mismatch
Fail to Connect SFTP
How to show hidden files
Speed limit and S3
Getting Periodic Exception calling "Check" with "0" argument(s): "Error transferring file Message
Filemask date time problem
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