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.NET assembly / COM library


DTS Script Task: Runtime Error (VB Script Task)

Setup Proxy?

GetFiles interrupted corrupt remote file

GetFiles() transfers empty File

file mask in .net

vb net fingerprint not working

Could not load WinSCP .NET assembly

Handling of commands that write to stderr

Move files dropped on an FTP to a local folder without deleting the FTP folders.

SessionOptions.SshPrivateKeyPath is set, but SessionOptions.Protocol

GetFiles -certain files

Special character in filename ("%25" replaced by "%" eg : MyString%25640.pdf ->MyString%640.pdf)

WinSCPnet error '80004003' Object reference not set to an instance of an object.

WinSCPnet not working when Scheduled

RegAsm WinSCP.dll : Could not load file or assembly

SFTP server drops my WinSCP PowerShell scripted connection

How do I exclude files or directories?

.NET and ooRexx - OK in WIN7 but error in WIN10

Error when I try to register the netstandar2.0 assembly

Install manually Assembly witout use NuGet

  • 2019-04-24 10:42
  • JonnyGio

file mask in .net

WinSCP COM methods and properties not visible

How to create new text file to FTP using WinSCP and write data into newly created file

Error: Unable to find type [WinSCP.EnumerationOptions].

Exception calling "Open" with "1" argument(s):

.NET assembly question

File permissions unchanged

Error Timeout waiting for WinSCP to respond

  • 2019-04-11 14:23
  • Guest

SFTP using .Net times out on files over 32KB

type 2 (protocol error) "Too many users for this IP"

  • 2019-04-09 17:21
  • sjacome

Issue registering WinSCPnet.dll - "not a valid .net assembly"

Automation V15.5 Files Don't Work

is File Encryption available in .net assembly?

.NET Assembly cannot be added from PowerShell

Adding reference to WinSCP assembly in VSCode

WinSCP assembly v.5.15 - GAC registration is failing


Async GetFile

i will use the CryptPassword from WinSCP.ini on my .NET

Issue connecting via SFTP to dropbox using Powershell

Waiting time before download starts

Cannot open file "\\.nul\" The system could not find the specified file

transfer.Options File Permissions

How do I set up my dot net program to send files to server with multiple host key fingerprints?

Error Sending file to SFTP Server

Best way to use Session object in critical Windows services

perl using .Net with WinSCP and ListDirectory parameter per File 'FilePermissions'

Execute command "quote site c 1208 "

WinSCP - 5.13.4 Release - WinSCP.SessionRemoteException: Operation not supported

WinSCP Classes Not Available in Visual Studio 2012

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