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.NET assembly / COM library
WinSCP not showing Webdav Subfolders Folders
Setting transferOptions.TransferResumeSupport in VB Script (VBS)
Session.MoveFile force the move?
Fehler im Beispielcode auf der Webseite
Dir listing gets stuck when listing includes many different user/group/permissions with no logoff
How do I specify the current directory on the Session.PutFiles ?
Using Powershell to change sftp site passwords
Error with SessionOptions
Cannot create remote file- Permission denied
C# tunneling
Put Files not working in Amazon AWS server.
Using /log and /parameter at the same time not working
How to restart the session & Upload files in case of exception occurs
Accept SecureString for PrivateKeyPassphrase on SessionOption.
Transfer Result Check throws "File Already exists. Delete existing file" exception...
unable to upload
Add-Type : Could not load file or assembly
timeout on .NET Assembly, not when using WINSCP.EXE client
Shouldn't the .FileExists() method support wildcards?
Listing files matching wildcard
SFTP connection with perl
How use InstallShield register the WinSCPnet.dll to WinSCPnet.tlb
[VB6] How to reduce SFTP Connection Rate
How to count folders recursively
Scripting download and installation of .Net assembly
scpsession.PutFiles and scpsession.GetFiles
Session logging
Using Directory.Exists allways give "false"
Datetime, with Seconds
"Remote Sync" Get list of files removed from FTP site
Trying to append txt files fails
Putfiles and MLSD...
Automation fails with files with [ character in the name (5.7.7 and 5.9.6 tested)
Get error output in live [C#]
VBS Script Setting TransferOptions.FilePermissions = Null
Sychronize Directories / Folders in VBScript
WinSCP5.9.5 support mainframe?
SessionRemoteException and remote directories
Timeout waiting for WinSCP to respond
Suppressing a directory returns errors
Add_type not working
Debug Log path access issue
Connect to multiple servers in one powershell script
Error at connection with .NET
Подключение из 1с
Inconsistency in FileTransferProgressEventArgs Filename property
extracting SshHostKeyFingerprint from WinSCp.ini
File mask with Session.RemoveFiles
Using Session.FileExists() function throws "Session Failed" error
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