Error reading response headers: Line too long
I manually logged in to the WebDAV site and was able to authenticate with no issues. Here is the log file:
open https://xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx:*** -timeout=120 Connecting to host... Authenticated. Starting the session... Session started. Active session: [1] synchronize local X:\FormularyDirectory\etc\DavClient\downloads\xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx\webdav\Formulary\FBS_3_0 /webdav/Formulary/FBS_3_0 -delete -criteria=either Using configured synchronization options different from factory defaults. Comparing... Local 'X:\FormularyDirectory\etc\DavClient\downloads\xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx\webdav\Formulary\FBS_3_0' <= Remote '/webdav/Formulary/FBS_3_0' Error listing directory '/webdav/Formulary/FBS_3_0'. Error reading response headers: Line too long (A)bort, (R)etry, (S)kip: Skip Synchronizing... Local 'X:\FormularyDirectory\etc\DavClient\downloads\xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx\webdav\Formulary\FBS_3_0' <= Remote '/webdav/Formulary/FBS_3_0'
I'm running version 6.1.2
What's going on here?