5.2.5 Real path and requested remote path do not match
I'm having problems in the last beta 5.2.5 and FTP access, specifically the error seems that only plays when using explicit TLS encryption.
I can reproduce the issue any time:
a) Log in server
b) transfer some files to or from -> work fine
c) Change remote directory
d) try transfer some file from PC -> server.
Sometimes I need repeat this twice, but finally WinSCP fail:
"Real path and requested remote path do not match: "5120 0 16 test.es 17 test.com" "4096 0 16 test.es 17 test.com"
Copying files from remote side failed."
Once WinSCP show that error, any attempt to read, save, transfer... any file to/from server, result in the same error, so I have to restart winSCP.
Attached a failure session. The only change was replace "realhost" with "test". And yes, my tree structure its something like /test.es/test.com
'Old' version work fine, FileZilla or connection without TLS encryption seems work fine too.
Thank in advanced