Not getting exit from WinSCP prompt
I am transferring files from Windows XP to Linux machine using WinSCP through a Windows batch script. Once the transfer completes the batch code should get execute. But after the transfer it is not coming out of the WinSCP prompt at all. I try to give an extra
in the batch code that will totally come out of the session. Seems like the exit
in WinSCP command is not working properly. I am using same kind of code in another machine which Windows 7. What could be the issue? Below please find the code. I am using WinSCP 4.2.3 build 494.
WinSCP /command "option batch continue" "option confirm off" "open HPAY_UAT" "lcd D:\DSC_TRANS\FILES\" "cd /home/oracle/dsc_files/" "put 3.TIFF /home/oracle/dsc_files/" /log="D:\DSC_TRANS\LOGS\3.TIFF.log" "exit" exit findstr /C:"to remote directory finished" D:\DSC_TRANS\LOGS\3.TIFF.log if %errorlevel%==0 ( echo update SHIYAS.EPSF_REMB_TIFF_STORE_PATH set STATUS_C= 'D' where STATUS_C= 'S' and Filename_C='3.TIFF'; >> D:\DSC_TRANS\UPDATE_TAB\update_test.sql echo commit; >> D:\DSC_TRANS\UPDATE_TAB\update_test.sql echo exit >> D:\DSC_TRANS\UPDATE_TAB\update_test.sql echo sqlplus shiyas/shiyas123@UAT @D:\DSC_TRANS\UPDATE_TAB\update_test.sql > D:\DSC_TRANS\UPDATE_TAB\update_tab.bat call D:\DSC_TRANS\UPDATE_TAB\update_tab.bat ) exit
C:\Documents and Settings\a160559\Desktop> C:\Documents and Settings\a160559\Desktop>Tran_3 C:\Documents and Settings\a160559\Desktop>WinSCP /command "option batch continue" "option confirm off" "open HPAY_UAT" " lcd D:\DSC_TRANS\FILES\" "cd /home/oracle/dsc_files/" "put 3.TIFF /home/oracle/dsc_files/" /log="D:\DSC_TRANS\LOGS\3.TIF F.log" "exit" Searching for host... Host does not exist batch continue confirm off Searching for host... Connecting to host... Authenticating... Using username "oracle". Authenticating with pre-entered password. Authenticated. Starting the session... Reading remote directory... Session started. Active session: [1] HPAY_UAT D:\DSC_TRANS\FILES /home/oracle/dsc_files 3.TIFF | 0 KiB | 0.0 KiB/s | binary | 100% winscp> winscp> winscp>
Please help me on this.