Thank you very much for the prompt reaction. Actually I managed to run the script. I'm using it for upload and just wonder if somehow I can set an email notification if the files are sent or not.
param (
$sessionUrl = "",
$remotePath = "/myremotepath/test",
$localPath = "D:\mylocalpath\test",
$backuppath = "D:\myarchive\",
$batches = 2
#Upload data to
# Load WinSCP .NET assembly
$dllPath = (Join-Path -Path "C:\Program Files (x86)\WinSCP\" "WinSCPnet.dll")
# Load WinSCP .NET assembly
Add-Type -Path $dllPath
# Setup session options
$sessionOptions = New-Object WinSCP.SessionOptions
$started = Get-Date
# Connect
Write-Output "$(Get-Date) Connecting..."
$session = New-Object WinSCP.Session
# Retrieve list of files and sort them from larges to smallest
$files = Get-ChildItem $localPath | Sort-Object Length -Descending | Where-Object Name -like 'myfile*'
$listfiles = $files | Sort-Object Length,Name
# Calculate total size of all files
$total = ($files | Measure-Object -Property Length -Sum).Sum
# And batch size
$batch = [int]($total / $batches)
Write-Output ("Will upload {0} files totaling {1} bytes in {2} parallel batches, {3} bytes on average in each" -f $files.Count, $total, $batches, $batch)
$start = 0
$sum = 0
$no = 0
for ($i = 0; $i -lt $files.Count; $i++)
$sum += $files[$i].Length
# Found enough files for the next batch
if (($sum -ge $batch) -or ($i -eq $files.Count - 1))
Write-Output ("Starting batch {0} to upload {1} files totaling {2}" -f $no, ($i - $start + 1), $sum)
$fileList = $files[$start..$i] -join ";"
# Start the background job for the batch
Start-Job -Name "Batch $no" -ArgumentList $dllPath, $sessionUrl, $localPath, $remotePath, $backuppath, $no, $fileList {
param (
[Parameter(Position = 0)]
[Parameter(Position = 1)]
[Parameter(Position = 2)]
[Parameter(Position = 3)]
[Parameter(Position = 4)]
[Parameter(Position = 5)]
[Parameter(Position = 6)]
Write-Output ("Starting batch {0}" -f $no)
# Load WinSCP .NET assembly.
# Need to use an absolute path as the Job is started from user's documents folder.
Add-Type -Path $dllPath
# Setup session options
$sessionOptions = New-Object WinSCP.SessionOptions
Write-Output ("Connecting batch {0}..." -f $no)
$session = New-Object WinSCP.Session
$files = $fileList -split ";"
# Upload the files selected for this batch
foreach ($file in $files)
$localFilePath = "$localPath\$file"
$remoteFilePath = "$remotePath/$file"
Write-Output "Uploading $localFilePath to $remoteFilePath in $no and moving to archive"
$session.PutFiles($session.EscapeFileMask($localFilePath), $remoteFilePath).Check()
Move-Item "$localPath\$file" $backuppath
# Disconnect, clean up
Write-Output ("Batch {0} done" -f $no)
catch [Exception]
Write-Output $_.Exception.Message
#I want to send a notification if some error appears I recived two emails, because of the batches. I'm not sure where to put it to send only one. Can you assist?
$From = ""
$To = ""
$Subject = "Files were NOT sent!"
$Body = "<h2> Please check the log</h2><br>"
$Body += "$_"
$SMTPServer = ""
$SMTPPort = "25"
Send-MailMessage -From $From -to $To -Subject $Subject -Body $Body -BodyAsHtml -SmtpServer $SMTPServer -Port $SMTPPort -UseSsl
#Email notification
exit 1
} | Out-Null
# Reset for the next batch
$sum = 0
$start = $i + 1
Write-Output "Waiting for batches to complete"
Get-Job | Receive-Job -Wait
Write-Output "Done"
$ended = Get-Date
Write-Output ("$(Get-Date) Took {0} to complete" -f (New-TimeSpan -Start $started -End $ended))
# Disconnect, clean up
exit 0
catch [Exception]
Write-Output $_.Exception.Message
#if I put the email sending here its not working.
exit 1
This is what I'm using and its working, but I don't have much experience with scripting so any help would be appreciated.
What I want to achieve is to send emails when the files are sent normally and another one if some errors appears. Can you assist? Also would like to add some checking if the files are transferred correctly.