automatic retry?



automatic retry?

hi everybody! first thanks for this great too! i really love it (particularly with the que)

I have only one problem with it (though it's an annoying one):

i don't know for what reasons but probably my network connection stalls at times. I leave my computer on downloading just about all of the time: the result is a couple of nights of frustration when coming back from work i realized none of the expected downloads were done because WinSCP was prompting me to hit an okay that it couldn't copy or something like that. So what i had to do was hit okay and have the download continue.
Could you please make it so that it autoretries ? In some of the cases when i did this the file download was interrupted, luckily the partial file was still there .. but it was a frusrtating couple of seconds when rentering it into the que, canceling the next one that was started, inserting the next one and reordering the que. I was thinking of searching for another SCP client, but since i doubt i'll find a better one in all other aspects than this one i now upgrated from 372 to 375 hoping it won't happen again. If nothing has changed in this area I would really like it if you could put a infinite retry option somewhere so it doesn't abort the download but in the background maybe still tries. Thank you !

A little sugestion that i'd enjoy would be if when you selected multiple files and hit copy with que the files would somehow still be expanded in the que, or have an option so i can see them individually. thanks.

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Site Admin
martin avatar
Prague, Czechia

Re: automatic retry?

First tell me what was the message for which you need to "hit okay and have the download continue".

A little sugestion that i'd enjoy would be if when you selected multiple files and hit copy with que the files would somehow still be expanded in the que, or have an option so i can see them individually. thanks.
I do not like the approach, but I'll consider it anyway :-)

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I'll have to wait for the error to happen again which I don't know when it does for an exact message.

about expanding que: I understand not wanting to have a huge que in some cases, liek if you copied a lot of files .. but it can be useful in a case like this: I have a folder with say a dozen files I want to copy (all of them big ones). i select first 3 and copy with cue. while it's happening I select another couple of files to add to the que. the problem is that because I can only see the source folder for the files when there are multiple selected and i can't tell if I've already got one of them in the que.

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okay, I've got one of the i believe two cases in which i have problems:

Copying file from remote side failed.
Network error: Connection reset by peer

the annoying thing is that all i have to do in order to continue is hit okay, and reinsert the file that was downloading in the que at the right position and stop the next one that started since it was skipped and reinsert that too at the right position.
hmm, example:

say i was downloading file with the next one in que was
what happens when i get this error is that the download stops waiting for my imput, so i come home to find I've missed a couple of hours of download time because the program didn't retry/reconect, and when I hit okay, it skips to foo2 and foo1 is no longer in the list. so i have to insert foo1, cancel foo2 so foo1 starts and insert foo2 again so it's before foo3.

many thanks with anticipation.

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Site Admin
martin avatar
Prague, Czechia

Void wrote:

okay, I've got one of the i believe two cases in which i have problems:

Copying file from remote side failed.
Network error: Connection reset by peer
OK, I've expected that. But you have confused me with:
So what i had to do was hit okay and have the download continue.
It seemed to me like you just press OK and the transfer continues.

It is quite difficult for me to implement automatic retry. But as many people asks for it, I'll give a try.

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Network error: Connection rest by peer

I too am confronted with this reset issue. This is most annoying when the reset occurs while editing files. Selecting OK does not re-establish the session as the local version and server versions are then out of synch.

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Re: Network error: Connection rest by peer

I also have the problem when my 'Network connection is reset' during transfers. I have to hit OK and then start the transfer over. An automatic retry in this case would be very cool. That aside - this program is AWESOME! Keep up the good work. Thanks!!

UserFromBTSIG wrote:

I too am confronted with this reset issue. This is most annoying when the reset occurs while editing files. Selecting OK does not re-establish the session as the local version and server versions are then out of synch.

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Its the same by me. I'm coming back from work and sometetimes I've an error message: "reset by peer" and the whole operation queue is aborted because the connection was lost. A retry feature would be very helpful.
But as far as now a magnificent work. :)
Thank You!

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Jim Lemerand

Automatic Retry for dos (


I am trying to do ftp scripting with your product, but keep running into the problem of it timing out and asking me to abort or retry. When I type r it will then log me in. Is there a way to get around this?



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Site Admin
martin avatar

Re: Automatic Retry for dos (

Jim Lemerand wrote:

I am trying to do ftp scripting with your product, but keep running into the problem of it timing out and asking me to abort or retry. When I type r it will then log me in. Is there a way to get around this?
Can you post a log file?

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