Compress a directory before put command.
I'm rather new to all of this but I was finally able to get my game server to auto backup with windows scheduled tasks and WinSCP however, the transfer takes longer than I'd like because of all of the individual files in the directory i'm backing up each night. Is there a way I can compress this prior to it being uploaded to my FTP?
Here is my current Script/Bat
I literally have tried everything, I can't get it to even begin to zip a folder the console just instantly closes, with nothing. Any help would be greatly appreciated.
In advanced, thanks
I'm rather new to all of this but I was finally able to get my game server to auto backup with windows scheduled tasks and WinSCP however, the transfer takes longer than I'd like because of all of the individual files in the directory i'm backing up each night. Is there a way I can compress this prior to it being uploaded to my FTP?
Here is my current Script/Bat
option batch abort option confirm off open backups put "C:\steamcmd\rust\backup\0\TheRustySpittoon_Live\" "/TheRustySpittoon_Live/Backup-%STAMP%" exit
@echo off for /F "usebackq tokens=1,2 delims==" %%i in (`wmic os get LocalDateTime /VALUE 2^>NUL`) do if '.%%i.'=='.LocalDateTime.' set LDT=%%j set STAMP=%LDT:~0,4%-%LDT:~4,2%-%LDT:~6,2% %LDT:~8,2%-%LDT:~10,2%-%LDT:~12,2% /script=backup_script.txt
I literally have tried everything, I can't get it to even begin to zip a folder the console just instantly closes, with nothing. Any help would be greatly appreciated.
In advanced, thanks