Transfer direction column won't stay open on Surface Book



Transfer direction column won't stay open on Surface Book

When trying to sync (both, local, remote) the transfer direction column is present but will not stay open. When the column is dragged open the direction arrows appear, but it snaps closed when mouse button is released. This occurs ONLY on my Surface Book and not on two other systems running Windows 10 Ent 1703 with the same version of WinSCP so it appears to be specific to the Surface Book. I think it started using WinSCP 5.10 with the new Surface Book. Coincidentally, a similar behavior occurred before 5.11 with the scroll bars which snapped back to the top after dragging then whenever the mouse button was released; this also happened ONLY on the Surface Book and was fixed in 5.11.

I'm running WinSCP 5.11.2 on Windows 10 Pro 1703 patched to 11 Oct 2017. I'm using SFTP in Commander GUI.

It is a minor annoyance to an otherwise fantastic program!

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martin avatar
Prague, Czechia

Re: Transfer direction column won't stay open on Surface Book

Can you please post some screenshots?
How do you exactly "drag" on the Surface? What exactly do you mean by "column is dragged open"?

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Re: Transfer direction column won't stay open on Surface Book

I'm using the Surface Book as a regular laptop and am also using a Bluetooth mouse but the same behavior occurs if I use the touchpad. I right click on the column right boundary and drag to the right. Two screenshots are in the attached RAR file. "InvisibleTransferDirectionColumn.png shows the synchronization window with the transfer direction column present but rendered invisible. "WideningInvisibleTransferDirectionColumn.png" shows the appearance when I right click-drag on the invisible column header boundary and drag to the right to widen it. This makes the column visible, but when I release the click the column reverts to its original width and is invisible.

Perhaps related, I also noticed that the icon for the ".."" directory entry at the top of a directory listing is not visible either, but clicking on it still goes to the parent directory as expected. I've added it to the RAR as "MissingDirectoryIcon.png".

Thank you for your quick response and for looking into these strange behaviors which affect only my Surface Book and not my desktop.
Description: RAR contains 3 screen shots (png's) described in post.

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martin avatar
Prague, Czechia

Re: Transfer direction column won't stay open on Surface Book

jimGT wrote:

I right click on the column right boundary and drag to the right.
Really "right click"? I cannot drag the column boundary using right click, only left click.

Also, it's still not clear for me, what is the initial state of the column, when the checklist window opens. Is it what the InvisibleTransferDirectionColumn.png shows?

If you start WinSCP with the default configuration (winscp.exe /ini=nul), do you get the same initial state?

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Re: Transfer direction column won't stay open on Surface Book

I apologize for the misdirection on the mouse click. Yes, it was a left-click to try to expand the column boundaries. And yes, the InvisibleTransferDirectionColumn.png file shows what the Synchronization Checklist window looks like when it opens. There is no evidence of the direction column other than about 4mm of extra space between the adjoining columns. On a mouse-over it changes to light blue and when the mouse is over a column boundary it shows the black column expansion icon. It is only when you left-click on the right boundary and expand it a little that the direction arrows appear, but no matter how far you open the column, when you release the mouse button, the boundary snaps back to its original width and disappears. I also started WinSCP in its default configuration (as per your directions) and observed the same behavior.

My most common use of WinSCP is after I create an ssh tunnel with (PuTTY) plink to a host inside our department firewall, I connect WinSCP to localhost to connect via the tunnel to the remote host (my office Centos system); I then use WinSCP to sync directories. This works perfectly from a Dell T3400 running Windows 10 Enterprise (fully patched 1703). It is only when using the same procedure on the Surface Book that I see the display problems I've described.


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martin avatar

Re: Transfer direction column won't stay open on Surface Book

I have sent you an email with a debug version of WinSCP to the address you have used to register on this forum.

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Re: Transfer direction column won't stay open on Surface Book

I have emailed a return to your email with my test results in an attachment. Let me know what I can do to help. Thanks! --jim

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Re: Transfer direction column won't stay open on Surface Book

The new build worked properly. I also noted that a click-drag to resize the Synchronization Checklist window leaves the mouse stuck to the window and is not released when you release the click. You have to resize and then click again to release the mouse pointer. It occurs in 5.11.2 on both my Surface Book (Windows 10 Pro 1703) and a Windows 10 Enterprise 1703 desktop. Not sure when it started appearing. Thanks!

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Site Admin
martin avatar
Prague, Czechia

Re: Transfer direction column won't stay open on Surface Book

jimGT wrote:

The new build worked properly. I also noted that a click-drag to resize the Synchronization Checklist window leaves the mouse stuck to the window and is not released when you release the click. You have to resize and then click again to release the mouse pointer. It occurs in 5.11.2 on both my Surface Book (Windows 10 Pro 1703) and a Windows 10 Enterprise 1703 desktop. Not sure when it started appearing. Thanks!
This bug has been added to the tracker:

I'm sending you a new development version of WinSCP.

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Re: Transfer direction column won't stay open on Surface Book

The lasts build fixed the problem with the Synchronization Checklist window resizing. I tested it on both an MS Surface Book and a Dell T3400 running Windows 10 Enterprise 1703. Good to go! Thanks.

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