Batch File for Transfering different file types to different folders
I want to use a bacth command to transfer in example *ini, *.com etc files from different source folders to several target folders.
That means I need to select the source directories, file types and target directoris. I found this in the www:
%sourcepath% and %targetpath% are batch variables
I want to use a bacth command to transfer in example *ini, *.com etc files from different source folders to several target folders.
That means I need to select the source directories, file types and target directoris. I found this in the www:
"C:\Program Files (x86)\WinSCP\WinSCP.exe" /log=c:\path\winscp.log /command "open sftp://manufact:Sr@xxx.yyy.214.1/" "put %sourcepath%/*.com %targetpath%/proj/" "put %sourcepath%/*.ini %targetpath%/cfg/" "put %sourcepath%/*.txt %targetpath%/lan/" "exit"
%sourcepath% and %targetpath% are batch variables